Active and collaborative learning made easy at scale.

Nurture critical thinking and teamwork skills in your large Introductory to Business courses with just a few clicks.

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Market Games is an active learning exercise that allows students to apply theory to practice in a fun way that builds critical thinking skills.

It’s Active

Empower your students to apply theory to practice through an experiential learning experience that encourages a growth mindset and builds critical thinking skills.

Market Games is a role-based collaborative exercise for Intro to Business courses that helps students build interpersonal skills.

It’s Collaborative

Build a sense of community and nurture their interpersonal skills by having your students work in teams and solve problems with no right answers.

Market Games delivers digestible insights and auto-grading to ensure the exercise helps to meet course learning objectives without adding to professors’ workload.

It’s Supportive

With access to digestible insights, auto-grading capabilities, and end-to-end support, professors can enhance learning outcomes without the additional hassle.


We help business professors increase their course impact without increasing their workload.


Our Flagship Product

The Intro to Business Game


Tailor-made for first and second-year students, our business simulation game is a fun active, and collaborative project that achieves many important learning outcomes in your introductory business curriculum. Built to address the pain points of large class sizes, our level of support for students and instructors is unmatched.


We do everything we can to ensure that you can provide a world-class business education to your students at speed and scale.

Professor Justin McGlothin from Miami University Farmer School of Business believes Market Games is essential in his Foundations of Business course.

Professor Justin McGlothin, Miami University Farmer School of Business

“Market Games provides the missing piece to my Foundations of Business course…The application. Market Games not only introduces the different functions that make a business work, but also allows my students to apply the skills that we spent the first six weeks on - critical thinking, teamwork, problem-solving - and get real feedback quickly in a team environment.”


Build Critical Thinking Skills

Learning how to think is all about inspiration and repetition.

Freshman and sophomore students are not often accustomed to active learning. We provide a risk-free, problem-based learning environment that introduces students to realistic decision-making.  

In the game, students are solving a problem with no right answers. Students must think critically in order to transform learned theoretical knowledge into winning business strategies in a collaborative and competitive simulated market.

Navigating uncertainty will awaken students to the significance of critical thinking in their success, which will inspire them to learn and practice this mindset in all areas of life.

Critical thinking comprises of various skills, such as Interpretation, inference, analysis, explanation, evaluation, and self-regulation, that the Market Games platform trains students on during the learning experience.
Blanchard Kenfack is a UC Berkeley student that went through the Market Games experience in his Principles of Business course and was able to use his experience and feedback to land an internship at PwC.

Nurture Collaboration Skills

Teamwork makes the dream work.

As students work with teammates from diverse backgrounds with differing beliefs, work ethics, priorities, and communication styles, they learn more about themselves and improve their teamwork and communication skills. Peer assessments are easy to deploy and are auto-processed, which enables students and professors to receive and act on feedback insights throughout the group project.

Group members are assigned specific roles and held accountable for their individual contributions, so students are incentivized to actively participate in the learning experience.


Promote Community

A sense of belonging can drive student engagement and encourage academic motivation.

Student engagement in large class sizes has always been a lingering problem, but the pandemic unveiled the impact of community in motivating students to actively participate in learning experiences.

As a result, we have began to explore new ways to use popular social platforms in order to reimagine the way institutions and students interact. We aim to find a fun and effective strategy to sustainably improve student engagement.


Our Community


We’ve helped faculty drive engagement and learning to over 13,000 first-year students